15 Reasons You Need Business Insurance as a Designer Skip to main content

If you’re an aspiring home designer or even a current one, it’s important that you understand the need for business insurance. Not only can it provide many benefits for your business; it’ll make sure that you have protection in the case of any unexpected events. In this article, we’ll discuss the top 15 reasons YOU need business insurance as a professional designer!

So, let’s see what they are, shall we?

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Business insurance is a type of coverage that provides protection for your business. It covers you against potential losses due to:

  • Mishaps;
  • Accidents;
  • Or other unforeseen events.

Moreover, it can help cover medical costs and damaged property – as well as legal expenses – in the event of something going wrong.

Pro Tip: How much does it cost (approximately) to start your very own home design business? Find out everything you need to know so you’re not going in unprepared!

What Does Business Insurance Cover?

Business insurance can cover a wide range of things, including (but not limited to):

  • Property damage
  • Liability for injury or property damage caused by your design business
  • Advertising injury liability
  • Employment practices liability
  • Professional errors and omissions (E&O) insurance

Types of Business Insurance

As a professional home designer running your own business, what specific types of business insurance are most applicable to YOU?

Well, the most important type of insurance is Liability Insurance. This particular type of insurance helps protect you against claims for:

  • Bodily injury;
  • Property damage;
  • And other liabilities resulting from the services you provide as a home designer.

Now, there are two main types of liability insurance we recommend you looking into:

  1. General Liability Insurance covers accidents that occur on your property or in the process of providing design services.
  2. On the other hand, Professional Liability Insurance covers errors and omissions related to the services you provide.

Additional Insurance That Will Benefit You as a Designer

From there, a few other types of business insurance that may be beneficial to you include:

Female interior designer working in office. Business insurance article.

15 Reasons Why YOU Need Business Insurance

Now that you know a bit more about business insurance and the different types of coverage available, here are the 15 reasons you need it as a professional home designer:

Reason #1: Business Insurance Offers Financial Security

Having business insurance means that in the event of any accidents or mishaps, you’re covered. As a result, you don’t have to worry about covering the costs yourself!

Reason #2: It Can Protect Your Design Business’ Reputation

By having business insurance, you can protect your business’ reputation in the event of an accident or mistake on your part. In turn, this will help maintain your clients’ trust and confidence in you.

Reason #3: It Can Help Cover Legal Costs

If you ever face a lawsuit, having business insurance can help cover the legal costs that come along with it. For example, let’s say you’re sued for negligence or product liability. In this instance, your policy may help with the cost of defending yourself in court!

Reason #4: Business Insurance May Help You Qualify for Contracts

Many companies will only hire design contractors who carry business insurance. Meaning, having this type of coverage can increase your chances of getting the contract… Especially if you’re a contractor or freelance designer!

Reason #5: It Helps Protect Your Assets

Business insurance helps to protect your assets in case of an unfortunate incident or mistake on your part. Thus, it will keep your investments safe and secure. For instance, imagine if your customer’s property was damaged due to an error you made. Having the right business insurance can help cover the cost of repairs!

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Reason #6: It Can Help Cover Damages Caused by Property Theft

Let’s say you unfortunately experience theft or vandalism to your property. Here, business insurance can help cover the costs associated with replacing or repairing those items.

Reason #7: Business Insurances Also Protects Your Employees

On top of protecting your business, having the right coverage can help protect your employees as well. For example, say one of them is injured on the job. If you have Workers’ Compensation Insurance, it will help you cover their medical costs!

Reason #8: It Can Help Cover Advertising and Media Claims

Let’s say you make a mistake in an advertisement or media campaign that causes a customer to suffer losses.

For instance, we’ll imagine that you’re a home stager. After staging the client’s home for sale, you share photos online. However, you mislabel the address of the home…

If you have Professional Liability Insurance and/or Media Liability Insurance, you won’t need to panic! After all, these types of business insurance can help you cover any legal costs associated with the situation.

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Reason #9: Business Insurance Can Help Cover Cyber Security Breaches

These days, a LOT of your business operations will be done online, such as:

  • The housing and ongoing management of your business website;
  • Booking appointments;
  • Receiving payments;
  • Sending invoices;
  • Marketing your business, etc.

Unfortunately, this opens you up to cyber security breaches. Obviously, this can be quite costly. As such, it’s a good idea to have Cyber Liability Insurance (or similar coverage) in place!

Reason #10: Business Insurance Can Help Cover Injuries on Your Property

As a home designer, you may be hosting clients or even open houses at your office space. And this is where Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) or General Liability Insurance comes in handy!

This can help protect you if someone is injured while on your property. Furthermore, this type of coverage can also come in handy if a customer’s pet ends up damaged while on your premises.

Reason #11: It Can Help Cover Damages from Natural Disasters

Homes can be damaged by floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. As the home designer responsible for the property in question, you may be liable for any damages that occur!

Luckily, Business Interruption Insurance and/or Property Damage Insurance can help cover these costs. And as a result, you won’t have to worry about paying out of pocket if disaster strikes!

Female designer showing design plans to young couple. Business insurance article.

Reason #12: Business Insurance Can Help Protect Your Design Equipment

In terms of important reasons you need business insurance as a home designer, this is a big one! After all, you’ll need to invest in high-quality equipment to do your job right. So, it pays to protect your investment here!

That’s why Business Equipment Insurance is so important. This type of coverage can help cover the costs associated with replacing or repairing any pieces of equipment that are lost or damaged while working on a project.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to check out our Master List of the TOP tools all interior decorators need!

Reason #13: It’ll Make You That Much More Attractive to Prospective Clients

Having the right coverage will make potential clients feel much more comfortable when it comes to hiring you. Why? Because they’ll know that their project is in good hands. Plus, they know they won’t be held liable if anything goes wrong!

In fact, being insured can even give you an MAJOR edge over competitors who aren’t insured!

Reason #14: Having Business Insurance Can Make it Easier to Hire Employees

Let’s say you’ve gotten to the point where you’re ready to expand your design business. Meaning, you want to now hire employees to help you out. Well, having business insurance can make it much easier to do so!

When prospective candidates apply to your design business, they’ll be much more likely to take the job if they know that your business is insured. Thus, having business insurance in place is a sure-fire way for your business to grow the way you want it to!

Reason #15: It Can Help You Attract Investors for Your Business

If you’re looking for investors for your design business, being able to show them proof of insurance can be a major attraction! After all, it proves that you’re running a legitimate business. Plus, it shows that you’re serious about taking the necessary steps to protect your business and its assets!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s wrap things up by covering some of the common FAQs about business insurance for home designers…

Q: Why is insurance important to small business owners?

A: Insurance is important to small business owners because it can protect their business from any financial or legal liabilities that may arise. Additionally, it also gives customers and clients peace of mind when they’re working with a small business owner.

Q: Is business insurance mandatory?

A: The laws surrounding business insurance vary from state to state. In many places, it is required by law – but in others, it’s not. So, it’s best to check with your local government for exact requirements.

Generally speaking, however, it’s always a good idea to have business insurance in place… Even if it’s not legally required!

Q: What business insurance do I need?

A: The type of business insurance you need will depend on the size and scope of your design business. That said, and as discussed earlier, common types of coverage include:

  • Property Damage Insurance;
  • Business Interruption Insurance;
  • Business Equipment Insurance;
  • And Liability Insurance.

Ultimately, though, we recommend doing thorough research. Look into various providers and policies. From there, compare your options to find the best fit for your home design business!

Q: Any advice on how to get business insurance?

A: In terms of actually getting business insurance, the best advice we have is to work with a reputable broker. They can help you compare policies from several different providers to find the most suitable option for your business.

Just make sure to provide them with as much detailed information about your design business as possible. This way, they can accurately assess your needs and recommend the best insurance for you.

And if you don’t have the budget to hire a broker?

Don’t worry! You can also research policies online and compare different types of coverage to find the best fit for your business.

Q: Got any tips for maintaining my business insurance?

A: One thing to know about any insurance is that policies can change over time. For example, you might add a new service or product to your business. On the flip side, the insurance coverer themselves might also change the terms of their policies.

For this reason, it’s important to review your business insurance policy on a regular basis. Read through it to make sure everything is still applicable to your business. Not to mention, this also gives you an opportunity to take advantage of any new discounts or better policies being offered!

Indoor shot of young woman using leveling tool at home. Close up of face. Home design. Business insurance article.

The Bottom Line

Business insurance is a must-have if you’re an aspiring or established home designer. With it, you can protect your business from financial losses – as well as gain the trust of potential customers, investors, and partners.

To get started, research your options and compare policies from different providers. Talk to a broker if necessary! Plus, don’t forget to review your policy regularly.

With the right business insurance in place, you can rest assured knowing your design business is secure and protected – no matter what life throws at you!

Good luck, designers, and thanks for reading!

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