10 Interior Decorating Trends I’m Completely Over - The Focal Point Skip to main content

Tammy Hart, I.D.D.P, CAPS is a graduate and tutor of QC Design School, as well as a Certified Aging in Place Specialist from the National Association of Home Builders. She is the owner and award-winning designer for the Designer Chick Co., and the Past Director on the National Board for DDA (formerly CDECA).

Just as fashion fads come and go, so too are the trends of interior design and decorating ever-changing. As an industry professional, I look back at some of the designs that have skyrocketed in popularity, and I think to myself, “Seriously, will the madness ever end?” 

Thankfully, over time, it finally happens! Sure, it might sometimes take decades. But eventually, a new fad will come and take its place, and the old trend will fade away into that obscure space reserved for the “retro”.

In the case of these 10 currently popular interior decorating trends, I hope that day is way, way sooner, rather than later.

Secretly – or maybe not-so-secretly – now, when I hear a client use the word ‘neutral’, I think, “Nooooooo!”

I’m over the use of neutrals throughout the whole home. In fact, I’m pretty excited that bolder color are beginning to trend. It’s important to bring personality into the home, and neutrals just don’t do it.

9 – White Kitchens

This trend can go away any day now, please and thank you. You know the one I’m talking about: the white kitchen with stainless steel appliances. It’s just so sterile and lifeless!

These days, we’re starting to see it being replaced by two-toned kitchens or black kitchens. As a nice bonus, they’re also being paired with a change in appliance design colors! In particular, Smeg’s Retro-inspired colors are gaining visibility, as are matte and/or black appliances.

8 – Millennial Pink

I don’t know about you, but I’m so beyond ready to say goodbye to Millennial Pink. Actually, while we’re at it, can we nix any overly soft pinks? Personally, I’d like a new trend to rise in which we replace them completely with warmer tones.

7 – Mason Jar Madness

Please, no more mason jars! The only reason someone should be using mason jars is to literally jar up preserves. I’ll admit that it was cute for a moment, and I get that it can be fun to use them in DIY crafts.

But they’ve had their day. These days, people seem to opting instead for emptied candle jars with metallic lids. I have to say, they are totally cute and stylish – and I can’t pretend for a single second that I’m not thrilled by the change of pace!

6 – Farmhouse Chic

Yeah, you heard me. I said it! I’m ready for farmhouse chic to be relegated back to the farmhouse, where it can stay. Don’t get me wrong; the farmhouse look works…

But not for a house in the city.

5 – Signs

Everyone and their grandma uses these to accessorize their homes now. I feel like one moment, they weren’t a thing, and then the next, you couldn’t turn around without seeing a million of them.

“Family Rules” signs, bathroom signs, laundry room signs, single-word wooden signs that say something like “Dream” or “Home” – the list goes on!

I’m ready to see more creative design elements. Give me something that’s specific to the family themselves, instead of something so generic. All I’m trying to say is: that “Live, Love, Laugh” sign can live, love, leave.

4 – Faux Finishes

Specifically, I’m referring to sponge painting and the like. I’m sorry, but that trend really should have been left in the 80’s. Why? Well for starters, they don’t add texture and movement to a home in a pleasing way. Instead, they date a home – instantly.

In place of faux finishes, I recommend adding true textures to your living space!

3 – Nautical Motifs

Unless you are quite literally a sea captain or a pirate, I don’t understand why someone would make their home look like something straight out of The Little Mermaid.

The thing is, I’m actually a huge fan of coastal design! But it doesn’t need to have anchors, seashells, and paddles in order to be reflective of the design style. This is something you can easily achieve in a much more effective way through the use of color, pattern, and texture.

2 – Rattan

I feel like I’m going to catch a bit of grief for this one, but hear me out!

Rattan is the kind of interior decorating trend that works flawlessly in a very specific setting. That is to say, it’s meant to go outside, where it can live up to its full potential. After all, that’s why it’s weather resistant!

That’s where it belongs. Personally, I feel it needs to stay away from inside the home.

1 – Macramé

Alas, we’ve finally reached the top spot on my list, and indeed, it’s the dreaded hanging macramé trend. To me, this is without a doubt the single trend that should NEVER have become a trend in the first place – let alone a comeback trend!

Growing up, I distinctly remember a pair of very scary owl eyes, peering out at me in our living room from a macramé hanging wall treatment that my mother so proudly made back in the 70’s. But beyond those scary owl eyes, I recall thinking, “I don’t understand her attraction to this ugliness.”

And, well, I still don’t.

So, when it made a comeback, I was speechless. Can we please just leave it as the ball of yarn it started out from? There are way better options to choose from, such as:

  • Hanging art
  • Shelves decorated with vintage finds
  • Wallpaper that can add way more interest to your wall
  • Literally anything else

(Okay, that last one is a stretch. But you get my point.)

Personal Tastes Aside…

The thing about being a professional designer, which you’ll learn as you earn your interior decorating certification, is that even though you may have your own personal thoughts and tastes regarding trends, it’s always important to be respectful of your clients’ tastes, desires, and wishes.

Your role as the industry expert is to teach your clients about past, current, and future trends – without personal bias. Sure, you can perhaps try to gently sway them away from certain trends that are outgoing, in order to avoid any future regret.

But ultimately, at the end of the day, it’s all about what your client wants! 🙂

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