How to Become a Professional Organizer During COVID-19 - The Focal Point Skip to main content

Lianne Cousvis is a graduate of QC Design School with certifications in decorating (IDDP), home staging and redesign (ISRP), color consulting (ICCP), and professional organizing (AIOP). Lianne grew up in the Bahamas, where colors are celebrated and regularly utilized. She now owns her own design company, ChiChi Fringo Designs, in Toronto, Canada.

It’s been an unusual year, to say the least! People everywhere are discovering a new normal, and there are a lot of questions we need to ask on how to proceed safely with our lives. As a designer and professional organizer, I often get asked how to become a professional organizer – especially these days, during the current global pandemic.

In light of COVID-19, my answer has become slightly different than it’s been in the past. First and foremost, my biggest piece of advice is to stay safe, and to keep your clients safe.

QC Design School is at the forefront of this initiative. For those wondering how to become a professional organizer, I recommend their training above all others. With their comprehensive online learning experience, students can pursue their career aspirations from the safety of their own home, and at their own time.

Building even further upon their efforts to provide the highest quality education in a flexible and convenient way, QC has also just released a brand new Virtual Design Training Course!

So, if you want to learn how to become a professional organizer, my first tip would be to enroll in their Professional Organizing Course. Once you’ve graduated and earned your Advanced International Organizing Professional (AIOP) certification, you can then build upon your education and add to your qualifications with their Virtual Design Training.

With the help of both of these courses, you’ll learn everything you need to launch your very own organizing business – with e-design services that’ll help your clients to pursue their projects in the safest way possible!

Virtual services are a very forward-thinking approach to our new reality, as well as a smart strategy for running your professional organizing business. With their increased popularity over this year alone, who knows – they may become the wave of the future.

You can be a part of this cutting edge business plan right from the start if you sign up now!

How a Clean Space Affects Our Mental Health

Did you know that clutter increases the primary stress hormone, cortisol? This can:

  • Cause weight gain
  • Reduce our ability to focus
  • Alter how we experience pain
  • And much more

It’s amazing how powerful our brains are, isn’t it? It just so happens that this is one of the biggest reasons why I wanted to learn how to become a professional organizer. A clean living space is not only crucial to your health – at the end of the day, it’s also impossible to design or decorate a cluttered room.

In many ways, the work of a professional organizer is often necessary in order to tap into the other areas of home design!

Since now more than ever, our homes have become our sanctuary, why not use this time to take action and make sure you’re feeling your best? I think people want to take action, but are usually overwhelmed. As such, they don’t know where to start. So, they just wind up not doing anything, and forego their home renovation goals.

clothes hanging on hangers, organized by professional organizer

The Importance of a Professional Organizer During COVID-19

This is where a professional organizer comes in! Prior to the pandemic, this field of home design has always been considered important. Personally, I think it’s a field that has become more critical because of COVID-19.

Think about it: our mental health is fundamental. But sadly, the pandemic has undoubtedly taken its toll on our well-being. As a result, for many of us, the priority of taking care of our homes might have been placed on the back-burner. In doing so, our living spaces grow chaotic and cluttered – which only adds to our stress. The more cluttered our home is, the harder it can be to fix the problem. So, we often do nothing about it, while will only make the problem worse.

As you can see, it can quickly become a dangerous cycle!

The fact is, when you feel as though you have little to no control in other aspects of your life, controlling the clutter in your home becomes more important than ever. Even if you start small, what’s important is that you start nonetheless! Among the many benefits it’ll bring you, it’s a LOT easier to clean and sanitize your home when there’s less clutter.

It’s also a great selling point when you’re talking to potential clients during this pandemic!

Providing Optimal (and Safe) Customer Service

If you’re wondering how to become a professional organizer and run your own business during this uncertain time, think of what you would want from someone, if you were hiring them to come into YOUR home.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What safety precautions are they taking when you come into my home
  • Are they wearing a mask and gloves?
  • Are they using approved sanitizers?
  • Do they change their clothing between clients?
  • Are they undergoing any personal COVID-19 tests, and are they willing to share the results upon request?
  • Do they offer Zoom appointments, or any other kinds of virtual assistance?

How you answer these questions will guide you, in terms of how you should ideally be running your business. Whatever level of service you’d want from a professional organizer is the exact same kind of service YOU should be providing your own clients. This way, they’ll always feel super safe with your services!

kitchen organized by professional organizer

Some people have a natural talent for organizing. They might feel as though a person who struggles with it should simply try a little harder. But this is simply not true!

Organizing is a complicated skill. For many, expert assistance is required – and this is okay! This is why professional organizers work so hard to study the craft. It’s a skill that often needs to be learned – and there are always new things to learn! For those wishing to make a career of it, professional training is the only true way to become a subject-matter expert. 

If you desire to learn how to become a professional organizer, look no further than QC Design School’s Professional Organizing and Virtual Design Training courses. When it comes to discovering effective ways to run a safe business during COVID-19, QC’s training is a guaranteed way for you achieve your goals!

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