The 5 Best Skills Your Interior Decorating Certification Will Give You! - The Focal Point Skip to main content

Tammy Hart, I.D.D.P, CAPS is a graduate and tutor of QC Design School, as well as a Certified Aging in Place Specialist from the National Association of Home Builders. She is the owner and award-winning designer for the Designer Chick Co., and the Past Director on the National Board for DDA (formerly CDECA).

In my years with QC Design School, I have met countless students of immense talent. They’ve possessed a wide variety of different skill-sets that would no doubt make them successful in the interior decorating industry. Some have had backgrounds in finance. Others came from the worlds of events management, retail, architecture, nursing, culinary, and so much more.

My point is, whatever your background, you probably have a bunch of transferable skill-sets that will aid you in your journey towards successfully achieving your interior decorating certification! There’s definitely something to be said about the value of innate skill-sets. For example, if you’re naturally a creative person, this will definitely help you as an interior decorator. After all, much of this job relies on creativity.

So, the real question is: how does an interior decorating certification through QC Design School assist you, when you already have natural and learned skills at your disposal? What additional skills will you acquire, and how will they help you?

I wondered the exact same thing when I first started researching into online schooling. Below is a list of 5 critical skills I personally gained through my QC training, and how they’ve helped me succeed in this challenging industry.

woman interior decorating - hanging framed art up on living room wall

As it’s been proven time and again, history repeats itself. For example, we have recently seen a resurgence in Mid-Century design. Another great example is ‘farmhouse chic’, and the use of barnboards or bead boarding (which is definitely an ode to the 60’s and 70’s wall paneling).

In QC’s Interior Decorating Course, you’ll learn about past design eras, and how they impact today’s design and decorating esthetics. Understanding different eras – such as Georgian, Victorian, and Arts and Crafts eras – will give you a solid understanding of where design and decorating concepts stemmed from.

Only by first knowing this can you then comprehend where these various concepts can re-emerge and influence future eras!

2 – Color as a Concept

Many students will say, “I want to understand color!”

Color as a whole is a complex concept. You’ll not only need to learn how to understand color theory and psychology; you’ll also have to grasp the concept of color schemes, color value, and the impacts of light on each color.

But by earning your interior decorating certification, you can master color as a concept. Once you do, you’ll be able to create beautiful, calming bedrooms, energetic living rooms, or bold and dramatic dining rooms – all through a simple change of a color!

3 – Foundations of Decorating

One of the most important skill-sets you’ll gain from an interior decorating certification is the ability to take the vision you’ve created in your mind, and draw it to scale so that you can share the final concept with your clients.

This is the moment you can get their buy in, and allow them to get just as excited about the project as you are! Not only will you walk away with the ability to draw scaled floor plans, as well as draw in elevation – you’ll also have a solid portfolio to present to future clients of your past assignments!

4 – Creating a Budget

Another important skill that you’ll gain by earning your interior design certification through QC Design School is learning how to budget your clients’ projects accordingly.

As part of any project, you’ll be expected to research the requirements needed for decorating your client’s space. Once you know exactly what you’ll need in order to bring their vision to life, you’ll then have to present your research to the client. From there, you can work with them to develop their budget and installation schedule.

Obviously, these are all important steps for ensuring that you get the best deal possible for your client! Not to mention that by providing a clear, concise budget for the client, the expectations for the project will remain realistic.

interior decorator talking with clients

5 – Building Your Business

Though I came to QC Design School and their Interior Decorating Course with a substantial background in business, what I lacked was an understanding in the business behind the business.

In other words, I didn’t fully understand what exactly it took to run a design and interior decorating business from the ground up.

By obtaining my interior decorating certification, I learned everything I needed to know and more! I was able to develop a solid business plan, with a mission and vision statement. I gained an understanding of my target market and where to reach them. Most importantly, I discovered the importance of insurance, risk management, and a strong, legal contract.

If you have dreams of launching your own business in home design, my #1 recommendation would be to take a course that also provides proper business training. QC’s Interior Decorating Course offers this unit optionally – but you’d be doing yourself a true disservice by not taking full advantage of it!

There are many great courses out there, with many reputable certifications. But by earning my interior decorating certification through QC Design School, I was given all the tools I needed to be successful.

QC’s countless students and graduates are all living proof that in addition to the transferrable skill-sets they’ve gained through their previous careers, this course is able to take your qualifications one step further.

If your goal is to gain both client and industry trust, as well as strengthen your ability to complete each project successfully, then your best bet is to get your interior decorating certification through QC Design School!

Until September 30th, 2020, earn THREE design certifications for the price of ONE! Learn more about this exciting, limited-time offer here.

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