3 Tips for Completing Your Interior Decorating Course as a Parent - The Focal Point Skip to main content

An aspiring professional designer, Melissa Ujcic is a student of QC Design School’s Interior Decorating Course and Color Consultant Course.

Let’s set the scene: it’s been a long day and your children are now in bed. You finally have some time to relax on the couch and put on one of those home decorating shows you love so much. As you watch, you can’t help but think to yourself (as you have countless time before), “I can do that.”

Well, guess what? You actually can – and I’m going to tell you how!

In this article, I’m going to share with you how QC Design School’s Interior Decorating Course has allowed me to pursue my dream career in design while also being a busy parent. Let me start by saying that if you ever thought that you simply do NOT have time to add one more thing to your schedule, you might be surprised to find out that you are WRONG!

You see, I’ve got some tips for successfully juggling school while being a full-time parent (who’s also, like the rest of the world, in the middle of a global pandemic). And I’m excited to share those tips with you today!

Look, I get it – life is crazy. But it can also be crazy fun! Pursuing my dream and doing my online design schooling has made me so happy and excited, even during a scary and uncertain time. My goal is that YOU will become just as pumped to begin your journey, too!

mother on laptop while baby lies in crib

3 Tips for Completing Your Interior Decorating Course (While Also Juggling Your Parenting Responsibilities)

1 – Take your time and have fun!

QC Design School’s courses are all self-paced, so there’s no need to feel like you have to rush through your assignments. Take full advantage of this by not putting any unnecessary pressure on yourself! If you have extra time during the week and can afford to put it towards your studies, do it. But at the same time, it’s okay if life gets in the way and you need to take a break from your course for a little while.

You’ll quickly see that the Interior Decorating Course is suitable to any lifestyle and personal schedule. That being said, this does come with a word of caution. While it’s undoubtedly nice to not have any deadlines, you’ll still need to hold yourself accountable. No one will be there to hold your hand and make sure you do the work. So, you’ll need to be able to push yourself!

Of course, QC’s Student Support Team is always there if you have any questions. If you’re ever stuck or unsure about something, never hesitate to reach out to them by phone or email. They have a great reputation for fast response times and dedicated staff who go above and beyond to help.

Personally, I know that when I’ve completed my training, I’ll have the confidence to design beautiful spaces and earn a stable stream of income, while also pursuing my passion. That’s the dream, isn’t it? This alone is great motivation when it comes to working hard on my studies!

2 – Implement a schedule and set goals!

If you start with consistency, you will be successful in completing your Interior Decorating Course and meeting your goals. Set a realistic schedule for days and times that you anticipate you should be able to focus on your schoolwork. Then try to stick to this schedule as much as possible.

I also create goals throughout my week of what I would like to accomplish. Having two kids, I find it immensely helpful to know that I can either sit down to work in the morning, after feeding the kids lunch, or when my husband comes home from work.

QC’s course texts are easy to read, while still teaching new and challenging material. The assignments are extremely helpful tools that provide you with skills you’ll be able to use even after you’ve graduated. Trust me, with two kids, this could seem impossible. But with the support system around me, I can follow a schedule for my professional training that remains relatively normal.

Yes, this year has had its many curve balls, both globally and personally. My oldest son has been having to do his own schooling from home, and I also have a 2-year-old with loads of energy, who always seems to be running around. But if anything, this year has opened my eyes to new things and made me see the full extent of my own capabilities. I’m now doing things that I never thought were possible.

Life is too short to not follow your dreams!

laptop and calendar on table

3 – Take advantage of QC’s Virtual Classroom!

This is a private Facebook group specifically meant for QC students and graduates. Even if you’re not yet a QC student (but are considering enrolling), you can join the group for a 2-week trial. There’s no downside to joining, so why not take advantage of this additional resource?

Once a member of the group, don’t be afraid to ask questions, seek support, and get some encouragement from your peers and tutors. Trust me, if you do not have the support system at home, you can find one at QC Design School. There are students from all over the world in this group! The beauty is that everyone is in the exact same boat as you. For many of QC’s students, this is an entirely new experience.

Another perk of the Virtual Classroom is that you’ll have additional support from your tutor. In general, after completing each course unit, your tutor will grade your assignments and leave you audio feedback. This feedback will cover the work you did well, as well as where you can improve. In the Virtual Classroom, you are provided with an extra way to be able to connect with your tutor directly.

My Experience So Far in QC’s Interior Decorating Course

I have had a great experience so far at QC Design School. Like I said earlier, I found QC while exploring the internet. I read many inspiring reviews that made me eager to enroll.

Before looking for an interior decorating program, I was wondering what my next steps in life would be. I’ve always had a passion for interior decorating but feared the idea of going back to school. I’ll admit, I did not do well in high school. I suppose I let that fear get in the way of my future for quite some time.

I was 34 years old when I finally came to my senses! I thought, “What am I waiting for? Do I want to wait until I am gray and have grandchildren? I think not!”

I signed up with QC and never looked back. I chose to do online schooling because it works best with my schedule. Being a full-time parent, I can hop online and get an assignment done when time presents itself. During the week, I work on my schoolwork while my oldest is in class and my youngest plays.

Since this pandemic has so many of us cooped up indoors all day, why not use that time to accomplish something and get inspired? That way, when this pandemic is over, you can confidently say that something good came out of it. You’ll have earned your Interior Decorating certification and will be ready to take the professional industry by storm!

Final Thoughts

QC Design School provides an internationally-recognized certification upon course completion. They hold an A+ ranking with the BBB and their tutors are real professional designers with years of experience. By taking QC’s Interior Decorating Course, you will gain the confidence to work with real-world clients, decorate spaces, and launch your very own business.

They really have thought of everything, and it shows in the training they provide! So, why wait a second longer? This is the time to make changes… and I know you can do it!

Want to connect with me directly? Join the Virtual Classroom and shoot me a message! I’m always happy to help you get your career started through QC Design School!

Start your dream career in 2021 by enrolling in QC’s Interior Decorating Course today!

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Maria Papailiadis says:

    Great article! I’m in the same situation with two kids doing virtual schooling but I’ve been trying my best to carve out time for my schoolwork too!

    • Sarah-Lynn Seguin says:

      Hi Maria,

      Thanks so much for commenting! We have countless students here at QC who are also full-time parents. It’s important to us that we can provide a way for students to pursue the career of their dreams WITHOUT sacrificing their schedules or stretching themselves too thin. You’re doing wonderfully so far, and we know you’ll continue to rock your studies! <3

      All the best,
      The QC Team

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