Why YOU Should Take a Design Course (Even If You Don’t Want to Start a Business) - The Focal Point Skip to main content

What’s the point in taking a design course if you aren’t interested in starting your own business? Professional designer, Daniella De Luca, is here to tell you why this is still a beneficial decision! Daniella is a multi-certified graduate and current student of QC Design School. She is also the owner of Maximize Design.

There’s a common misconception that professional design training is only beneficial for someone who wants to launch a full-time career as a designer. After all, if you don’t see yourself pursuing a career in this field, you probably also don’t have any desire to start a design business.

So, enrolling in a design course is pointless for you… right?


Of course, getting design training will definitely help you launch your very own business in this lucrative industry. However, there are SO many other benefits to getting professionally trained in design – even if your end goal isn’t to pursue a career in design.

In fact, if you were to enroll in any one of QC Design School‘s courses, you’ll be able to elevate your personal development and growth. In turn, you can apply these essentials skills to the career path you do want to explore. This is actually why I originally made the decision to enroll in my design courses. I didn’t do it because I wanted to start a design business. On the contrary, I did it entirely for ME!

design course article, Apr 15 2021, Daniella De Luca headshot

Why YOU Should Take a Design Course in 2021

Let’s say that you have no prior design training. Maybe you have no interest in actually starting a design business. Still, that shouldn’t hold you back from enrolling in a design course! For example, perhaps home design is an interest you enjoy exploring in your spare time. Even if it isn’t, there are invaluable skills you’ll learn from this kind of training that’ll be relevant to many different professions.

Having this professional education will give you a deeper level of understanding. As a result, you’ll be able to further your knowledge and passion for design – similar to the way any other type of hobby would. Moreover, there is NO downside to expanding your skill-set! Even if design isn’t related to the field you eventually pursue, the skills you’ve gained will be 100% transferable.

Why I Recommend QC Design School

When you enroll with QC Design School, you are choosing to invest in yourself and your interests. You’ll learn countless skills! The best part is that these skills can then be applied however you see fit! For example, you’ll have a better eye and understanding of the craft when browsing through home design photos. Furthermore, you’ll be able to take a more active approach and directly apply these principles within your own home.

Depending on which design course you decide to take, you could be learning:

  • How to organize your own home;
  • The history of design;
  • Principles of color theory;
  • How to apply Feng Shui concepts to your space;
  • Ways to re-design and maximize the functionality of each room in your home;
  • How to help your friends and family in their homes;
  • The fundamental concepts of floral design (which you can use to create gifts for others);
  • And so much more!

Regardless of which QC design course you choose to take, you’ll be exploring and expanding your knowledge. This means that you’ll be able to provide yourself with a creative outlet and gain a new, exciting hobby that you’re truly passionate about. Plus, as an added bonus: you’ll also be professionally educated and certified in it!

designer with floorplan, colors, paint swatches, etc. on desk

Why Design Training Will Benefit You During COVID-19

When you what you learn from QC Design School, you can foster a peaceful and positive sanctuary in your own home. This is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic! After all, we’re all spending more time in our homes and expecting more out of our homes overall.

QC Design School allows you to explore a wide variety of different design aspects – all from the comfort of your own home. Their online-based programs provide you with everything you need to get started for your professional education, without having to physically attend a classroom. Plus, through their Virtual Classroom on Facebook, you’ll be given the opportunity to foster connections with other classmates from all around the world!

5 Added Benefits of Taking a Design Course

1. You’ll Get a New Creative Outlet

The world of design is an excellent way to explore creativity, since there are so many different aspects of design that you can choose to focus on. For instance, with QC Design School, you can receive professional online training in any of the following fields:

  • Interior Decorating;
  • Professional Organizing;
  • Home Staging;
  • Color Consulting;
  • Feng Shui design;
  • Virtual design;
  • Floral design;
  • And Aging in Place.

Want to learn more about each of these courses? Check out the full course descriptions here!

The beauty of QC’s design courses is that so many of them can complement and build off one another. With this many options to choose from, the possibilities are endless for you to explore and stimulate your creativity!

happy woman painting wall at home

2. You’ll Be Investing In Yourself Through Life-Long Learning

If you aren’t interested in a full-time career as a designer, view your training as an investment in yourself instead. You’ll be making the choice to better yourself and invest in your knowledge, as well as your passion for design. You are NEVER too old to learn something new!

Design is a field that is constantly evolving. That’s one of the most exciting things about it! You can never know too much. There will always be changing styles, color combinations, innovative ways to use space, etc. Each day will present you with a new opportunity to challenge yourself and broaden your horizons!

3. You’ll Gain a Community of Friends, Peers, and Network Contacts

When you enroll in a QC design course, you’ll have access to an amazing support network. From the tutor feedback and the Online Student Center – to the Virtual Classroom, where you can communicate with other students, alumni, and Student Ambassadors.

Even though QC is an online school, there is definitely no shortage of community! These are all people with whom you can forge lasting friendships. Moreover, many can become future contacts for your personal and/or professional network (regardless of the field you work in)!

4. You’ll Get to Try Something New

Over the last year, we’ve all been spending a lot more at home. After so much time indoors, many of us are constantly looking for something new to try. This is why now is as good a time as ever to enroll in a design course! Use this time to learn about something you’re interested in. Moreover, you can also use your training to better yourself and apply what you learn in your own home.

Taking a professional design course can give you the inspiration and confidence you need to tackle your next DIY project!

design course article, in-post image, woman hanging up artwork on wall at home

5. Having Knowledge is NEVER Wasteful

Professional design training will never go to waste! You’ll always be able to use the knowledge you’ve gained from a QC Design School course.

Who knows – down the road, your home might need some organizing. Maybe there’ll be a home renovation in your future. Perhaps you’ll want to maximize the functionality of the layout and be actively involved in the design process. A senior family member could need help transitioning and creating a safe place in their home.

Not to mention, the complimentary business training included in your design course can help you start a business in the field you do want a full-time career in!

My point is, there are so many different ways that your design training will be useful to you in your own personal life, for many years to come.

My Own Experience with QC Design School

I enrolled in multiple QC Design School courses. As I mentioned earlier, I initially did this purely out of my enjoyment. I love learning and I’ve always been interested in design. So, I took the leap… and you should make 2021 the year you do, too!

You never know the ways in which having this education can help you! I’ll give you a perfect example. Recently, I discovered that some of the senior members of my family need help adjusting their living spaces, in preparation for when they get older. So, I decided to enroll in QC’s Aging in Place Course! This way, I can personally help them through this transition.

I am also currently enrolled in the Color Consultant Course. Beyond that, I’ve successfully completed and graduated from a total of 5 other courses between QC Design School and QC Event School. I’ve always been very interested in all aspects of design. I was eager to learn more so that I could apply what I learned to the design of my own home. Plus, I wanted to have a better overall understanding of design principles when doing that.

Thanks to QC Design School, I have been able to better my understanding of design, explore different design principles and techniques, and apply them to my own home. With my newfound skill-set and knowledge, I’ve been able to create beautiful and more functional spaces for my family and myself.

An additional perk is that, as I mentioned earlier, there’s a built-in business component at the end of most courses. While this unit is optional, it’s remarkably useful. Even if you don’t want to launch a design business, the things you learn WILL help you launch a successful business in your field of choice. You’ll discover how to start a business from the ground up, with the added benefit of receiving tutor feedback on your business ideas.

woman's feet on concrete with "START" written above them in chalk

Final Thoughts

As an alumni and current student of QC Design School, I will always recommend QC’s online design courses. I love the way they’re self-paced and so flexible. There are payment plan options to assist anyone on a budget. The course materials are provided online, but hardcopies are also mailed directly to your door.

Moreover, the tutors provide you with invaluable feedback throughout the entire program. You’re given access to an online community, which will help inspire and support you further in your educational journey. The convenience and quality of QC Design School’s education is unmatched!

Leave a comment below, let us know which QC Design course YOU’LL be enrolling in, and what you’ll use your professional design education for. If you have more questions, feel free to connect with me in the Virtual Classroom on Facebook!

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  • Bradley Schlagheck says:

    Continuing education is ALWAYS beneficial to many other parts of your life. Thanks for the article!

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