4 Tips for Booking Virtual Home Staging Jobs - The Focal Point Skip to main content

Want to take your design business online and offer clients virtual home staging jobs? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Join QC Design School Student Ambassador and owner of Maximize Design, Daniella De Luca, as she breaks down everything you need to know to increase your bookings!

Hello, designers! My name is Daniella De Luca and as you might know, I’m a QC Design School Student Ambassador. I’m also a graduate of both QC Design School and QC Event School.  I’ve successfully completed the following QC courses:

Home staging jobs article, Aug 25 2021, Daniella De Luca headshot

Moreover, I’m also on my very last unit of the Aging in Place Course, too!

Today, I’m here to talk about virtual home staging jobs. Virtual design and home staging services have always had a place within the design community. However, due to the recent shifts in how we’re living and working, these services have become more important (and essential) than ever  before!

If you dream of working as a home stager, taking your business online will help you secure more jobs than you could ever imagine! So, let’s explore the value of e-design and booking virtual home staging jobs in a little more depth!

Home Staging Jobs 101

What is a home stager and what exactly do they do?

In a nutshell, a home stager is someone who’s trained to transform a home inside and out. As a result, anyone who walks into that space will be able to envision themselves living there.

This can make all the difference when selling a home – and that’s a proven fact! Home stagers can provide guidance in order to help homeowners depersonalize, de-clutter, and elevate their homes, prior to selling it. Additionally, stagers can also provide more extensive services when the house is vacant, and thus, bring the space to life. This is done by adding furniture, decor, accessories, and/or paint.

When approaching home staging jobs, you’ll be expected to possess extensive knowledge on ideal furniture placement, paint color selection, decor, curb appeal, and more!

A New Era of Home Staging: E-Design

Quite simply, virtual design (also known as “e-design“) is the act of providing the same in-person services you’d typically offer clients – except online.

The beauty of e-design is that you can offer most – if not all – of your regular home staging services to clients through virtual or digital means. As a result, you have more freedom and flexibility to book home staging jobs both locally and globally. Emails, video calls, digital renderings, and other electronic means will assist you in communicating the ideas, concepts, plans, and executions to your client – all without having to physically be present within their actual space!

You can also work in a hybrid model, if that suits you better. For example, part of the project could be done virtually (such as the planning process), while the actual execution of your home staging jobs could be done in-person. There are SO many possibilities – and thus, there’ll never be a shortage of bookings, if you do things right!

Another benefit of virtual home staging jobs is that you’re able to expand your geographic service area. In light of the current times, this allows both you and your client to stay safely at home, while still being able to design and/or set up their spaces in order to prepare it for the real estate market.

E-design has allowed the industry to continue to thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic for this very reason! It’s a safe way to continue booking home staging jobs and assisting clients in transforming their spaces. This way, they can sell their homes as desired.

Real estate sign in front of new house for sale

First Thing’s First: Professional Training

Okay, so now you might be wondering: What qualifications do you need to be a home stager? Furthermore, how do you become a virtual stager?

When it comes to this, I CANNOT stress enough the importance of getting professionally trained and internationally certified! Having a professional certification is incredibly important for home stagers (and designers in general) for 3 key reasons:

1. Having a reputable certification/designation provides your clients with total confidence that you’re a truly educated subject-matter expert.

When they see that you’ve been properly educated, they’ll know that you possess both the knowledge and tools needed to assist them in achieving their dream spaces. In turn, this will help you be successful in booking more clients and home staging jobs – both virtual and in-person.

Remember: clients want to feel confident in their decision to hire you… and having this professional certification will do just that!

2. When you pursue your professional certification through a credible institution, such as QC Design School, you’ll be provided with amazing networking opportunities and alumni perks.

One example, off the top of my head, is their Virtual Classroom on Facebook. Here, you can network with current students, fellow grads, and even tutors.  Secondly, as a QC student, you become eligible for various discounts and memberships for design software and renowned associations.

These are all extremely beneficial when starting your own home staging/design business!

Want to see just how successful many of QC Design School’s students and graduates have become? Check out their Spotlight Features on QC’s blog, The Focal Point!

3. Having a professional certification allows you to be more confident in your skills and find more home staging job opportunities.

Whether these jobs are in-person or done virtually, becoming confident in your subject-matter mastery is pivotal in your long-term success! Once you truly recognize the value you bring to the table, it’ll be so much easier for you to confidently pursue job opportunities and reach out to potential clients.

You’ll gain this confidence, knowledge, and expertise through out certification training. Not to mention, when you combine all this with the business training you’ll receive AND endless networking opportunities, you become unstoppable!

Home Staging Training with QC Design School

This dual certification gives you the skills needed to optimize your client’s space. And, of course, this goes hand-in-hand with your home staging services and booking potential. Once you graduate from this course, you’ll be fully prepared to:

It’s true – and your International Staging and Redesign Professional (ISRP) double certification will be proof to reflect this on your resume!

QC’s Home Staging Course has everything that you need to be set up for long-term success! Did you know that this program is actually a dual certification course, as you’ll be trained not only in home staging but also home redesign?

  • Network effectively with other industry professionals;
  • Start your own home staging business;
  • Get hired by an existing design business;
  • Add your home staging training to an existing realtor license;
  • Provide top-notch services to every single client;
  • Market yourself properly;
  • Increase home staging jobs and client reach;
  • And much more!
Home staging jobs article, Aug 25 2021, in-post image 3. Happy couple decorating room with picture together. Interior design.

QC’s Virtual Design Training

As I touched on earlier, virtual design services have become irreplaceable over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to being convenient, they’re also necessary in many ways. As such, there’s never been a better time to get trained in the art of e-design.

Luckily, QC Design Schools Virtual Design Training Course will help you do exactly that!

This single-unit mini class will teach you how to transition your home staging services, so you can deliver them virtually instead of (or in addition to) in-person. Oh, and did I mention that you’ll receive a certificate of completion once you graduate? There’s never any harm in adding to your qualifications!

Not only that, but this additional training will also boost your employment opportunities to prospective design firms and clients alike. It’ll show that you have the knowledge base to navigate virtual home staging jobs and work with virtual clients, on top of your regular services.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I myself am a graduate of QC’s Staging for Designers Course and Virtual Design Training Course. Thus, I’ve experienced firsthand how they can work together in a complementary fashion. When you pair these programs together, you understand exactly how to expand your offerings in a smart, business-savvy way.

You’ll not only be prepared to stage and redesign a home – you’ll be able to do this both in-person AND virtually, thus landing even more home staging jobs!

Want to know all of the other design services you can pair with your home staging training? Here’s the full list of courses currently offered by QC Design School!

4 Ways to Find Virtual Home Staging Jobs

1. Lay Down Your Foundation First!

Here are some additional tips to consider when building your business:

As you’re doing these things, keep your brand in mind. When launching a business, it’s critical that you consider the professional image you’d like your business to convey to others. Once you know what you want your brand to look like, you can then use it in all associated endeavors going forward – such as when you’re trying to land home staging jobs.

Decide on your business name and then have it legally registered. This way, no one else will be able to take it from you! Next, start on all of the behind-the-scenes work. This will involve getting your official website set up, as well as your social media accounts.

Before you begin booking virtual home staging jobs, you’ll first need to get your business set up. So, let’s start there!

  • Decide who your target clients will be.
  • Figure out whether you’d like to offer virtual home staging services, in-person ones, or a combination of the two.
  • Ensure that your website (and its corresponding information) is clear, professional, and offers all the necessary information needed to get in touch with you.
  • Start building your design portfolio – even if the work is pro bono or done in your own home at first.

This all counts as experience, so you’re going to want to showcase this right up front. In fact, this leads us to the second tip…

Delegates Networking At Conference Drinks Reception

2. Maximize networking opportunities!

Utilize all of the tools QC Design School provides you with, especially in terms of networking opportunities! Interact and engage with tutors, current students, alumni, etc. You can easily do this on QC’s Instagram account, Facebook page, and in the Virtual Classroom.

Building a professional network while still enrolled will help you establish a solid foundation for when you graduate. Furthermore, you can also research local trade shows, markets, and conferences that you can attend. These opportunities will give you even more chances to make further connections beyond the school.

Ultimately, word-of-mouth and networking will make all the difference when it comes to helping you find virtual and in-person home staging jobs!

3. Maximize your marketing strategies!

By now, you’ve started your website and social media accounts, thanks to Step One. You’ve also decided who your target clientele is for both in-person and virtual home staging jobs. With all this prep work done, you can now create a solid marketing strategy to get your business on the radar!

Speaking from personal experience, I recommend making use of advertisements on social media, as well as email campaigns. Lead acquisition will also help you connect with potential customers. Utilizing ALL forms of social media, and then combining that with a variety of marketing strategies, will be essential to your success.

If you’re trying to market e-design services, chances are, your target client for those virtual home staging jobs is also searching online for virtual assistance. So, you’ll quickly discover that a strong online presence will benefit you greatly!

Not sure if you’re pursuing the right marketing strategies? Learn what you should be doing here!

4. Maximize social media to get more home staging jobs!

Why not take your marketing strategies one step further? Do this by ensuring that you have a strong, meaningful social media presence! By extension, this means a presence that reflects your business’s goals and mission statement.

You should always be consistent across all your platforms, including your website, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Every chosen platform needs to express the same goals. Otherwise, you can wind up confusing your audience, which is never good.

Moreover, you’ll have to engage and interact with your followers. Create relationships with them, and be an active participant in your comment sections and direct messages.

You can also maximize social media by being as proactive as possible! Regularly search for and follow accounts that are using hashtags relevant to your target market. You can also follow other experts in the industry, as well as people who are in the process of moving or listing their homes.

Looking for these key elements will help you land those golden home staging jobs that’ll further your portfolio. As a result, they’ll also help you continue to build a positive reputation for yourself within the design industry!

Home staging jobs article, Aug 25 2021, last in-post image, social media networking concept.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to get into home staging and virtual design, or you’re simply looking to add e-design to your list of services, you’ve come to the right place!  QC Design School’s dual certification in Home Staging and Redesign, as well as their Virtual Design Training, will provide you with all the skills necessary in achieving your goals and booking virtual home staging jobs.

If you have any questions about my experiences with either of these courses, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly in the Virtual Classroom. I’d be happy to chat with you! You can also let me know below in the comments how YOU currently (or hope to) incorporate virtual design into your home staging jobs!

Thanks for reading!

Enroll in QC Design School’s online, self-paced training today and start booking home staging jobs in as little as 3-6 months!

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Alexa Jorgenson says:

    I really enjoyed reading this article! There is so much valuable information in this article that can benefit any designer! Thank you for the great insight, Daniella!

    • Sloane Seguin says:

      Thanks so much for reading and for the kind words, Alexa. We’re sure Daniella will really appreciate them! And we completely agree: Daniella did an excellent job with this article, and we LOVE the tips she provided! Which tip for booking virtual home staging jobs is YOUR favorite? 🙂

      All the best,
      The QC Team

  • Bradley Schlagheck says:

    Thanks for all of the great info, especially now that so many things have gone completely virtual this past year! Congrats on almost being done with another course!

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