How To Choose a Professional Organizing School - The Focal Point Skip to main content

Are you considering becoming a professional organizer? There are many great organizing schools out there, but how do you choose the right one for YOU? In this article, we’ll discuss how to choose a professional organizing school that’s best for your needs and career goals!

We’ll also talk about some red flags to watch out for, and provide other helpful tips.

So, whether you are just starting your research or are ready to enroll in a school, read on!

Destined to become a professional organizer? Then you need to check out our Ultimate Guide on starting a successful career in this field… Even if you don’t have any experience!

“What Do I Need To Become a Professional Organizer?”

This is a great question! You don’t need much to get started as a professional organizer. In fact, many people who enter this career have no prior experience in the field.

With that in mind, there are a few key qualities that will help you succeed as a professional organizer. First, you should be highly organized yourself! This may seem obvious, but it’s important.

You’ll also need to be good at communicating with people, as you’ll be working with clients one-on-one. Finally, it’s helpful to have some basic knowledge of design principles (though you don’t need to be an expert).

If you have these qualities, then you’re on your way to becoming a great professional organizer!

Pro Tip: Not 100% sure what a professional organizer is and what they do? Find out here!

“How Much Money Can You Make As a Professional Organizer?”

This is another great question! The amount of money you can make as a professional organizer depends on a few factors, including your experience level and location.

In general, professional organizers tend to earn the following salaries in these example countries:

  • United States: Between approx. $42,500 USD to $55,000 USD per year (Source:
  • Canada: Between approx. $35,000 CAD to $67,000 CAD per year (Source: Glassdoor)
  • United Kingdom: Between approx. £19,500 GBP to £24,000 GBP per year (Source: SalaryExpert)
  • New Zealand: Between approx. $41,500 NZD to $46,500 NZD per year (Source: SalaryExpert)
  • Australia: Between approx. $40,000 AUD to $56,000 AUD per year (Source: SalaryExpert)

As you can see, there is a wide range in earnings for professional organizers around the world. In general, though, you can expect to earn a good salary as a professional organizer!

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“What Kinds of Clients Will I Work With?”

As a professional organizer, you’ll work with all sorts of clients. Some of your clients may be individuals who need help organizing their homes or lives.

Other clients may be businesses who need help organizing their offices or warehouse space. No matter what type of client you have, you’ll use your organizational skills to help them achieve their goals!

“Is There a Demand For Professional Organizers?”

Yes, there is definitely a demand for professional organizers! In recent years, the field of professional organizing has grown rapidly.

More and more people are realizing the benefits of hiring a professional organizer to help them get their lives or businesses organized. As the demand for professional organizers grows, so does the opportunity to start a successful career in this field!

“Do I Need To Be Certified To Be a Professional Organizer?”

This is a common question, but the answer is no. In most countries, there is no governing body that regulates professional organizers. This means there is no official certification or license that you need in order to become (or work as) a professional organizer.

However, many schools – both in-person and online – offer certification programs. While these programs are not necessarily required, they are extremely helpful in making you more marketable to potential clients. Plus, proper training by an accredited design institution is the single BEST way to become a true expert in the pro organizing field!

On the fence about whether or not you need professional certification training? Here are 3 critical reasons why a proper education is essential!

How To Choose a Professional Organizing School: In-Person vs. Online

Now that you know a bit more about what it takes to become a professional organizer, you might be wondering how to choose the best school to get your training.

Should you attend an in-person program or an online one? Here the pros and cons of each type of program:

In-Person Programs


  • You’ll get to interact directly with your instructors and classmates. This is a great way to network and build relationships within the industry!
  • You’ll have access to all the latest resources and equipment.
  • In-person programs often offer internship opportunities that can give you valuable real-world experience.


  • In-person programs can be expensive, especially if you have to travel to attend them.
  • You’ll need to take time off from work or other commitments in order to attend classes.

Online Programs


  • Online programs are usually more affordable than in-person ones.
  • You can study at your own pace and complete the program on your own time.
  • Online programs offer a great deal of flexibility, which is perfect if you have a full-time job or other commitments.


  • You won’t get to interact with your instructors or classmates in person.
  • You might not have access to the same resources and equipment as an in-person program.

So, which type of program is right for you? Only you can answer that question! Consider your budget, schedule, and learning style when making your decision.

For the purposes of this article, let’s assume that you wish to attend an online professional organizing school to obtain your certification training…

Woman choosing outfit from large wardrobe closet with stylish clothes, shoes and home stuff. Professional organizing.

How To Find a Professional Organizing School in 5 Easy Steps

Now that you’ve decided to attend an online professional organizing school, it’s time to start your search! Here are 5 easy steps to help you find the perfect program:

Step 1: Determine Your Goals

The first step in finding a professional organizing school is to determine your goals. What do you hope to achieve by attending the program? Do you want to start your own organizing business? Or, do you simply want to learn more about the industry so that you can be a better consumer of organizing services?

Once you know what your goals are, you’ll be able to narrow down your search and find a program that’s right for you.

Step 2: Figure Out Your Budget

The next step is to figure out your budget. How much can you afford to spend on the program? Be sure to consider the cost of tuition, books, and other materials.

Ideally, your course will include EVERYTHING you need within one lump sum… And there are plenty of online professional organizing schools – such as QC Design School – that provide this!

Once you know how much you’re willing to spend, you can start searching for online programs that fit your budget.

Step 3: Consider The Program’s Length

Another important factor to consider is the length of the professional organizing program. How long do you want to be in school? Some online courses can be completed in as little as 4 weeks, while others might take up to 6+ months.

Again, it all depends on your goals and objectives!

If you’re looking for a quick way to get started in the industry, a shorter program might be right for you. However, if you want to learn everything there is to know about professional organizing, you might prefer a longer program.

When you enroll in any of QC Design School’s self-paced, online courses, you’re given a full 2 years to finish. That said, you get to choose when and how often you focus on your studies. As a result, you can use as much or as little of that 2-year timeframe as you need!

For reference, many of QC’s grads found that by devoting a mere 1-2 per week on their program, they were able to graduate in as little as 3-6 months (sometimes sooner)!

Step 4: Make a List of Potential Schools

Now that you know your goals, budget, and desired length of the program, it’s time to make a list of potential schools.

Start by searching for online professional organizing courses. Then, take a look at each program to see if it meets your criteria. If it does, add it to your list!

Step 5: Contact Each School’s Support Team and Ask Questions

The final step is to contact each school’s support team and ask questions. This is your opportunity to get all the information you need about a particular program before making a decision.

Some important questions to ask include:

  • What type of certification will I receive upon completion of the program?
  • Is the school/program accredited?
  • How long do I have to complete the program?
  • How much does the program cost?
  • What materials are included in the price of tuition?
  • Is there a payment plan available?

Once you have all the information you need, you can make an informed decision and choose the best online professional organizing school for your needs!

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Choosing a Professional Organizing School: Must-Have Criteria

Now that you know how to find a professional organizing school, it’s time to discuss what criteria the school should meet. Here are some must-haves:

The program should be affordable.

As we mentioned earlier, one of the biggest perks of online schooling is that it’s cheaper than brick-and-mortar schools. As such, you should be able to find a professional organizing program that fits your budget.

The program/school should be accredited.

When you’re looking at potential schools, be sure to check if the professional organizing program (and institution itself) is accredited. For example, QC Design School has an A+ accreditation ranking with the Better Business Bureau. This is important because it ensures that the program meets certain standards and offers a quality education.

The program should offer a payment plan.

Another important factor to consider is whether or not the school offers a payment plan. This is important because it allows you to spread out the cost of tuition over a period of time, making it more affordable.

At QC Design School, we offer monthly payment plans for all of our courses! Although you can choose to pay your full tuition at the time of enrollment (and we’ll give you a discount for doing so), you also have the option of paying a small deposit instead. After that, the rest of your tuition will be broken down into affordable monthly installments.

The program should be self-paced.

One of the benefits of online learning is that it’s self-paced. This means you can study at your own pace and complete the program as quickly or slowly as you want.

As we touched on earlier, QC Design School offers self-paced, online courses that give students a full 2 years to finish. However, you can easily complete your Professional Organizing Course in as little as 12 short weeks – maybe even sooner than that!

The program should include all materials needed for success.

When you’re looking at online professional organizing schools, be sure to find out what materials are included in the price of course tuition.

For example, QC Design School’s Professional Organizing Course includes a course guide, lesson texts, customizable forms and templates, access to our student forum, access to QC’s private Virtual Classroom on Facebook, and more. All of this is provided to you electronically through the Online Student Center.

The program should include a certification upon completion.

Next, the professional organizing program you choose should offer a certification upon completion. This is important because it will show potential employers and clients that you’ve completed the necessary training and are qualified to work as a professional organizer.

At QC Design School, we offer an Advanced International Organizing Professional (AIOP) after successful completion of our course. This certification also acts as your designation – and both are globally-recognized!

The school should have positive reviews.

When you’re looking at potential schools, be sure to read reviews from past and current students. This will give you a good idea of what the school is like and whether or not it’s a good fit for you. If the majority of the testimonials are positive, it’s a good indication that training with that institution will be a worthwhile investment.

QC Design School has tons of positive reviews from happy students and alumni! You can check them out on our Facebook page, if interested.

Storing food in kitchen, woman with jars and containers talking and looking at camera

The school’s Support Team should be reachable – and actually helpful.

When choosing a professional organizing school, take note of their Support Team’s response times and efficacy in providing you the help you need.

Ideally, the school’s Support Staff should be easy to reach and legitimately helpful. This is important because you never know when you’ll need help or have a question. Plus, it’s always nice to know someone is there to help you out!

At QC Design School, our team is always here to help! You can reach us by phone, email, and live chat. We’re happy to help you with whatever you need – whether it’s an issue with your course material or just a quick question.

The school has a proper website.

Another must-have for any worthwhile professional organizing school is a proper business website. This is critical because it will give you an idea of the school’s professionalism, course curriculum, and overall quality. If the website is poorly designed or difficult to navigate, it’s likely that the school isn’t very well organized themselves!

QC Design School takes pride in having a modern, sleek website that’s easy to navigate. Plus, it’s packed with tons of information on our Professional Organizing Course – including the course curriculum, student testimonials, and more. And if you’re interested in any of our other design programs, you can find out everything you need to know about them as well!

The school should have an established presence on social media.

Last but not least, any good online professional organizing school should have an established presence on social media. This is a great way to connect with other students, ask questions, and stay up-to-date on news and events.

QC Design School has an active presence on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. We frequently post helpful tips for our students, share industry advice, and highlight the success of our alumni. Plus, it’s a great way to stay connected with the QC community!

Ready to learn all about QC Design School’s online Professional Organizing Course? Here’s the full breakdown of what you can expect!

When you’re looking at online professional organizing courses, be sure to check off each of these boxes! If a particular course/school doesn’t meet all of your criteria, move on to the next one until you find the perfect fit.

Red Flags To Avoid

If you want to know how to choose a professional organizing school, it’s equally as important to know what to stay away from. Here are some red flags to watch out for:

The school’s website is outdated or difficult to navigate.

If the school’s website is outdated or difficult to navigate, chances are the school isn’t very well organized themselves! Furthermore, if their website lacks vital information (such as program info and/or a thorough course curriculum), it’s likely that the school is disorganized and/or unprofessional.

The school doesn’t offer a certification upon completion.

A professional organizing school should offer a certification upon successful completion of the course. This is important because it will help you stand out from the competition when seeking employment. Plus, what’s the point in spending time and money to take a course if you don’t have anything to show for it at the end?

Remember: at QC Design School, we offer graduates a certification that’s internationally-recognized!

The cost of the professional organizing program is suspiciously cheap.

When it comes to online professional organizing courses, you generally get what you pay for. While you can expect to pay less than you would in a brick-and-mortar school, there’s still a limit for how low is too low. If a program is suspiciously cheap, there’s a good chance that it’s not worth your time and money.

Instead, look for a course that’s priced reasonably and offers a lot of value for the price. QC Design School, for instance, offers an affordable online Professional Organizing Course that’s packed with valuable information and resources. Plus, you can take advantage of our payment plan option to make the course even more affordable!

The school demands full tuition payment upfront.

Another red flag to watch out for is a school that demands full tuition payment upfront. This is a huge warning sign, as it’s likely that the school is more interested in your money than your success.

At QC Design School, we never demand full tuition payment upfront. You can choose to pay in full or take advantage of our low monthly payment plan.

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The school makes you pay for your certification.

As we mentioned before, a professional organizing school should offer a certification upon successful completion of the course. This certification should be included in the cost of the program and not an additional fee. If a school tries to make you pay for your certification, it’s likely that they’re not a reputable or legitimate institution.

The course doesn’t offer any hands-on learning.

Just because it’s an online professional organizing program doesn’t mean you still shouldn’t be given real-world experience! A good online course will offer some sort of hands-on learning, whether it’s an internship or a practicum. This is key because it’ll help you gain the skills and experience you need to be successful in the field.

At QC Design School, we believe that real-world experience is essential for our students’ success. That’s why we include practical assignments as part of our course curriculum. As such, in addition to textbook learning, you’ll have ample opportunities to put your newly-acquired skills to the test!

You aren’t given any business training.

Many aspiring professional organizers wish to start their own business after graduating. (That’s definitely what a ton of QC’s alumni have chosen to do, with much success!) But without any actual business expertise, this venture will be incredibly difficult to approach successfully.

Thus, if you’re hoping to start your own professional organizing business, it’s important that your chosen school offers some sort of business training in the course itself. This will ensure that you have the knowledge and skills you need to be a successful entrepreneur.

QC Design School is proud to offer our students comprehensive business training as part of our Professional Organizing Course. We’ll teach you everything from writing a business plan to marketing your brand effectively. By the time you graduate, you’ll be more than ready to start your own professional organizing business!

The school isn’t accredited.

Lastly, you should always make sure that the professional organizing school you choose is accredited. This accreditation is important because it ensures that the institution meets certain standards and offers a quality education.

QC Design School is a member of good standing with the Better Business Bureau, holding a solid A+ ranking. This means that when you choose QC, you can be rest assured that you’re getting a top-notch education from a reputable and accredited institution.


Choosing a professional organizing school is a big decision. But as long as you keep the above criteria in mind, you’ll be sure to find the perfect program for your needs!

And of course, we hope that you’ll consider QC Design School as your chosen institution. We offer an affordable, comprehensive, and accredited online Professional Organizing Course that’ll set you up for success in the field.

To learn more and see if QC is the right fit for you, visit our website or contact us today! We’d be more than happy to answer any of your questions.

Thanks for reading! 😊

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