15 Time-Saving Strategies for Professional Organizers - The Focal Point Skip to main content

Professional organizers know better than anyone how valuable time is. And running your own business requires organizing and managing a lot of tasks – which can quickly become overwhelming if not properly handled. Fortunately, there are plenty of time-saving strategies for professional organizers that can be used to maximize your productivity and make the most out of your day!

In this article, we’ll guide you through 15 tips and tricks that can help professional organizers save time. So, read on for more information!

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Time-Saving Strategy #1: Honor your hours of operation.

Professional organizers should set and stick to their hours of operation. This way, you’ll be able to make the most out of your time when it comes to:

  • Client meetings;
  • Consultations;
  • And any other tasks that need to be completed during a business day.

Furthermore, it’s just as important to honor the fact that when your business hours are done for the day, they’re done. Don’t let yourself get caught up trying to “squeeze in” one more task – it’s not worth the time or energy. In fact, pushing yourself for too long, too often, is one of the quickest ways to burn yourself out!

Pro Tip: Not yet a certified professional organizer? Our Step-by-Step Guide reveals how YOU can earn your certification and book your first client in as little as 3 short months!

Time-Saving Strategy #2: Don’t take on too many professional organizing clients at once.

As a professional organizer, be honest and realistic about how much you can handle at any given time. Taking on too many clients at once can lead to a range of issues, such as:

  • Unrealistic deadlines;
  • Not being able to give your full attention to each and every client;
  • And ultimately, disappointing both yourself and your clients.

Instead, focus on taking on a manageable number of clients at any given time. This way, you’ll give them your full attention and deliver quality services!

Time-Saving Strategy #4: Set timers – and stick to them.

Set timers when completing tasks and stick to them. For example, if you’re going to be organizing a client’s closet, set a timer for 30 minutes and use that time to focus solely on the task at hand. This way, you’ll stay on track and get the job done in a timely fashion.

A timer will help you stay on top of your responsibilities, so that you can finish each task within a certain period of time. As a result, you won’t get bogged down in any one task and end up wasting precious time!

Time-Saving Strategy #5: Prioritize tasks.

Take the time to prioritize tasks – this will help you stay organized and save time over the long run. For instance, if you have three tasks to complete during the day, prioritize them in order of importance. That way, you can make sure you take care of the most important tasks first and leave the less time-sensitive ones for later on.

Furthermore, it’ll help you stay focused and not get distracted by the smaller tasks that can take up valuable time. Meaning, you won’t waste time on tasks that can be saved for later, or those that aren’t as important!

Time-Saving Strategy #6: Organize your business documents.

In terms of time-saving strategies for professional organizers, this is a BIG one! Set up a filing system and you’ll quickly see how much easier it is access the information you need quickly and efficiently. Then you can get on with your day!

Furthermore, organizing your documents will help you keep track of client information, invoices and other paperwork. You’ll never again have to waste time digging around for the documents you need in order to get a job done.

If you need some help organizing your business documents, here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Use folders and labels to organize your documents;
  • Create a filing system that’s easy to navigate;
  • Keep digital copies of your documents for easy access;
  • And use cloud storage services to back up your files.
Businesswoman hands working in Stacks of paper files for searching and checking unfinished document achieves on folders papers at busy work desk office. Professional organizers article.

Time-Saving Strategy #7: Use automated software for client communication.

Using automated software to communicate with your clients is one of the most time-saving strategies for professional organizers running a business. You can set up automated emails, text messages, and other forms of communication to keep your clients in the loop about upcoming projects or invoices.

This way, you don’t have to waste time manually sending out reminders – the software will take care of it for you! Not only that, but automation can help streamline client communication, making sure everyone’s on the same page and nothing falls through the cracks.

So if you’re looking for ways to save time and streamline client communication, automation is definitely the way to go.

Time-Saving Strategy #8: Time block your work day.

Time blocking is a great way to make the most of your work day. This simply means setting aside certain blocks of time for specific tasks. Answering emails, making follow-up calls to clients, or working on marketing materials are all good examples.

Time blocking allows you to focus on one task for an allotted time frame, and then move on to the next one. As a result, you won’t get distracted by other tasks or spend too much time on one thing. Plus, it also helps you stay focused! You won’t get overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks you have to do in one day.

Related: Want to start your very own professional organizing business – but don’t know how? Here’s the process from start to finish!

Time-Saving Strategy #9: Define your tasks and goals.

When it comes to time-saving strategies for professional organizers running a business, this is key! So, sit down and define the tasks and goals you need to complete each day. This will help you stay focused on what needs to be accomplished in order for you to make progress and move forward with your business.

Not to mention, by defining your tasks and goals, you’ll also be able to determine how long each task will take. From there, you can set a timeline for when you need to get them done. Doing this can help save you time in the long run, as well as make sure that nothing gets forgotten or overlooked.

Time-Saving Strategy #10: Batch your business stuff.

Batching things is basically the process of grouping together similar tasks and doing them all at once. This is a great way to save time because it eliminates the need for you to switch between different tasks, which can be time-consuming.

For instance, let’s say you have a bunch of emails that need to be written or client calls that need to be made. Batch them together and do them all in one go. This will help you be more productive and efficient with your time.

Time-Saving Strategy #11: Figure out how much time you’re currently spending.

Want to determine which time-saving strategies for professional organizers will work best for you? Then you’ll need to first figure out how much time you’re currently spending on certain tasks.

So, take a look at the tasks you do most often. Next, analyze how much time it takes for you to complete them. This can help you identify areas where you can cut back and save time.

Once you have an idea of where you’re spending too much time, then you can start looking for ways to optimize those tasks!

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Time-Saving Strategy #12: Delegate when possible.

When running a business, it’s important to know when to delegate tasks to others. This is especially true if you find yourself stretched too thin.

Start by deciding which tasks need to be done by you, and which ones can be delegated to someone else. This will free up your time and allow you to focus on more important things that only you can do.

Now, what do you do if you’re running your business solo?

In that case, you can look into outsourcing certain tasks to freelancers or virtual assistants. If this is the route you choose, you can expect to pay on average about $25 per hour for a freelancer.

One way or another, delegating and outsourcing tasks will allow you to get things done faster and more efficiently… And save you time in the long run!

Time-Saving Strategy #13: Put systems into place.

As a professional organizer, here are some examples of systems you can put into place for your business:

  • Create templates that make it easier to format emails and client calls;
  • Automate your scheduling processes;
  • Use a time tracking app to track how much time you’re spending on each task;
  • Have a consultation process for new clients;
  • Have an offboarding process after finishing client projects;
  • Use an online accounting program to manage your finances.

When you create efficient systems and put them into place, it saves you time in the long run because everything is already organized and streamlined.

Time-Saving Strategy #14: Schedule your social media posts ahead of time.

Social media is an important part of running a successful business! But, let’s face it: managing multiple social media accounts can be time-consuming.

To save time, consider scheduling your posts ahead of time. This way, you won’t have to worry about manually posting every day. Instead, you can just set up a schedule and let the app do the work for you.

You could also try using a social media automation tool. This will help you automate a lot of your social media tasks, like responding to comments and messages.

Time-Saving Strategy #15: Schedule regular breaks into your workday.

This time-saving strategy might sound counterproductive, but hear us out…

When you take regular breaks, it helps you stay focused and productive. Having a few short breaks throughout the day can help ensure that your workday is as efficient and productive as possible.

We recommend taking a five-minute break every hour or two. This can help clear your mind, recharge your energy levels, and help you stay productive throughout the day. And don’t forget to take a longer break at some point so you can get some food into you!

Frequently Asked Questions about Professional Organizing

Q: What makes a good professional organizer?

A: Professional organizers are efficient, organized, and detail-oriented. They know how to prioritize tasks, offer practical solutions for organizing spaces, and are able to make the process of organizing an enjoyable one.

Fun Fact: As a professional organizer, you also NEED to have these 4 emotional skills!

Q: How can organizing save time?

A: Professional organizers help people save time by creating efficient systems and processes.

By organizing your home and/or workspace, you can easily find the items that you need faster and be more productive. Additionally, having a system in place can help save time because you don’t have to waste time searching for items or trying to remember how to do something.

Moreover, professional organizers can also help you delegate tasks, which will save you time in the long run!

Time, Savings, Time is Money. Professional organizers article.

Q: How many hours does a professional organizer work?

A: Professional organizers typically work around 30 hours a week. However, this can vary depending on the size of the business and the amount of clients they are working with. Furthermore, professional organizers can also choose to work part-time or full-time.

Q: What are some time-saving strategies if I run my professional organizer business from home?

A: Some time-saving strategies that can be used if you run your professional organizing business from home include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Outsource tasks when possible;
  • Set up a separate workspace for work and home tasks;
  • Schedule dedicated time for each task;
  • Eliminate all possible distractions when working;
  • Create templates to format emails and other documents to save time;
  • Create a filing system for your documents.

Strategies like these will help you be more efficient and productive with your time, so you can focus on what matters most – helping your clients!

Q: What are five rules for staying organized?

A: Five rules for staying organized include:

  1. Keep like items together;
  2. Don’t be afraid to get rid of things;
  3. Have a designated spot for everything;
  4. Create routines and stick to them;
  5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

By following these rules, you can establish an organized space that helps you save time and stay productive!


As a professional organizer, you want to save as much time as possible so you can focus on helping your clients. This article has discussed 15 time-saving strategies for professional organizers that can help make running your business more efficient and productive. By following these tips, you’ll be able to get the most out of your workday and save time for other important things!

Got any additional tips to add to the list? Drop them in the comments below!

Thanks so much for reading!

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